Music conservatory, Brussels
The music conservatory, a design of architect Jean-Pierre Cluysenaar (1811-1880), is located near the Petit Sablon, between the Zavelkerk and the Palace of Justice. Today it encompasses several mansions, houses, and the original conservatory with the director's accomodations.
The poor legibility of the site and the lack of sufficient space triggered the in-depth feasibility study. The requirements, formulated by both (French- and Dutch-speaking) music schools, were analysed and put in a functional organization chart. This organigram provides an optimal functioning of the conservatory which can be applied on the whole site.
Different volume studies were distilled into two scenarios. Both scenarios bring a fundamental restructuring of the existing situation. Scenario A maintains the courtyard and adapts the new building to the existing volumes. Scenario B focuses on the courtyard and proposes an underground connection between the existing buildings and the new library located under the "Cour d'Honneur". It is a compact unit which provides an answer to the shortage of space in the conservatory.
Client: asbl Conservamus vzw
Concept: SumProject, A-Res