SumProject+SumResearch is an experienced, dynamic and interdisciplinary design and research group. SumProject offers sustainable architecture, engineering and urban design. Based on profound contextual studies, SumProject's designs are contributing to a pleasant living and working environment. SumResearch is specialised in urban consultancy, masterplanning, strategic policy planning for both the public and private sector, and understanding new ways of living / society programmations and changing values. We are active in Brussels, Flanders, Wallonia and northern France.
Currently we want to strenghten our team with a:
Architect with an affinity for competitions and tenders (click for vacancy)
Architect projectleader (click for vacancy)
In the continuous expansion of our team, we are looking for talented and motivated collaborators. Open solicitations are welcome. Please include the following documents in your application:
A cover letter in which you explain your motivation to work for SumProject+SumResearch
A complete resume
A portfolio which reflects your personal approach to architecture and show your special skills
Applications can be send by email ( or by post to:
Boulevard de Waterloo, 90
B-1000 Brussels