The restoration works of the North façade of the Sainte Catherine church, overlooking the quays of the 'Fish Market' in the centre of Brussels, recently started. The natural stone, the woodwork, the stained-glass windows and the fence will all be restored.
This 19th century church (arch. Joseph Poelaert) was built with sandy limestone from Gobertange, a porous natural stone that has suffered greatly from the ravages of time.
The entire façade will be cleaned, repairs will be carried out where necessary and badly damaged elements will be replaced. The stained-glass windows will also be restored in a specialised workshop, just like the wrought-iron fence. The wooden doors and other joinery will also be restored by specialised craftsmen.
The works are expected to be finished in Spring 2023.
This project is part of the restoration programme of the whole church. SumProject has already guided the restoration of the West facade (2013).