The first phase of the renovation works of the ‘Wintercircus’ in Ghent recently started. The former ‘Wintercircus’, which later had become the ‘Garage Mahy’, is now being transformed into a multifunctional hub closely related to the new library 'De Krook'. The central void of the circus will function as a public square and meeting place, while the surrounding volumes will include offices linked to creative innovation, a bar, a restaurant, an underground concert hall, even a roof terrace,...
The main focus of this first phase is the reinforcement of the structure underneath the former circus ring, in order to accommodate the future concert hall, as well as the implementation of a BEO field. This field will regulate the temperature of the main square. It supports the City of Ghent climate goals to become CO2 neutral.
SumProject and BARO Architectuur, in collaboration with VK Engineering, are responsible for the renovation works.
Het Nieuwsblad published an article on the Wintercircus. You can read it here (in dutch).