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Conference on 'ageing, housing and healthcare in rural areas'

In the coming decades the rural areas in Flanders will face a strong ageing of their population, engendering a number of major societal challenges, notably in terms of housing and healthcare.

How many elderly are involved in this process and which evolutions do we see? Which healthcare needs are generated by this process? In what way can spatial planning and housing policies respond to the needs in rural areas? How do we cope with the context where elderly are willing to live as longs as possible in their houses, where houses and living environments are not adapted to new needs,...?

HaUS (Housing and Urban Studies - KULeuven) and SumResearch (in collaboration with Atelier Romain) are presenting the first results of their research on ageing, housing and healthcare in rural areas. We will focus on the first of two cases, the case of the 'Westhoek'.

The conference (09/09, 13:15-16:30) will take place at the 'provinciehuis Boeverbos' in Bruges. Click here for more information.

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