Transformation is going on. The restoration of the north façade started in March 2021 and is making good progress. The entire side façade will be cleaned using low-pressure techniques and damages will be repaired. At the same time, the lost crucifixes and gargoyles will be reconstructed.
The glasswork will be completely taken apart and cleaned by specialised glaziers. The lead profiles and broken stained-glass windows will be repaired. The wooden doors of the side porch in the north facade are also being fully restored. Finally, the original wrought-iron gates are in need of a thorough clean-up. The rust will be removed, the wrought iron will be treated and part of the fence will be replaced with reproductions of the old model. The fence will be moved closer to the church, creating a wider pavement.
SumProject is project author and works in close cooperation with Artes Woudenberg and Beliris.
