The city of Tervuren organises an infomoment (13/06) on the heritage management plan Tervuren. The Flemisch Government ('Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed') developed a new tool for the management of heritage. The management plan develops a vision on how we want to deal with our heritage in the future. For Tervuren, this plan focuses on six different monument with a strong interaction:
Gates and wall
Archaeological site
Panquin barracks
Chapel of 'Sint-Hubertus'
Royal garden
Warande gate and 'School van Tervurendreef'
The infomoment (13/06) will take place in'De Eik,' city hall 'De Zevenster', Markt 7A.
20h: introduction by Marc Van Roy (Alderman for Heritage)
20h10: presentation of the heritage management plan by Niels De Luyck (SumResearch)
20h45: questions and debate